When we’re buried under our turtlenecks and warming our toes by the fire, our teas aren’t far from sight. We see the cold weather as nature’s cue to keep herbal teas in constant rotation. We sip on Echinacea Plus® for its immune boosting properties, Breathe Easy® for respiratory health, and Throat Coat® to support our throat health.*
Our sweet and soothing Throat Coat tea happens to pair perfectly with a touch of whiskey, and it’s a great way to warm up and celebrate the season. All you need is some honey, freshly squeezed lemons, whiskey, and tea. It’s super simple to make, and almost too easy to drink!
Hot toddies are prepared many different ways, but we keep our herbal recipe sweet and simple.

For more herbal recipes and inspiration, check out our DIY section of Plant Power Journal.