Mamas, we see you. You’re providing every minute of the day, and continually researching the best for your growing family. You’re navigating an uncertain world while offering balance to those you care about most. You are a superwoman, and could probably use a little self-care.
By incorporating herbs into your everyday wellness regimen, you can support yourself in the journey of motherhood, whether it’s using herbs to prepare the womb for childbirth, occasional nausea during pregnancy or supporting healthy lactation and breast milk supply.*
While we recommend some of our favorites here, not all herbs are appropriate for everyone. Make sure to consult your healthcare practitioner to find out which ones are right for you.
The appropriate use of herbs used during pregnancy is one that requires specialized knowledge and care. Our herbalists have put together a list of herbs that are nourishing and supporting.

More about these herbs and where to find them:
1. Fennel: A classic carminative herb, fennel helps to relax muscles and ease cramping, gas and bloating. In addition to its many digestive benefits, herbalists have used fennel for everything from alleviating water retention to facilitating a healthy supply of breast milk in nursing mothers.*
2. Fenugreek: A traditional galactagogue – a word derived from Greek meaning “bringer of milk,” fenugreek has supported women in breastfeeding for centuries.* Herbalists love this plant for its sweet, maple syrup like flavor making it a tasty addition to everyday wellness routines.
3. Blessed Thistle: A tried and true nutritive tonic for new mothers, blessed thistle has a galactagogue action, which helps to support healthy lactation and breast milk production.*
Fennel, Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle can all be found in our Mother’s Milk tea.
4. Milky Oats: Supporting and nourishing to our nervous system, herbalists rely on milky oats during times of stress or transition. A great herb for soothing irritable moods, wired and tired nerves, and overtired new parents.*
5. Raspberry Leaf: A uterine tonic, raspberry leaf is best known for its role in preparing and toning the womb for childbirth. Additionally, it is an important herb used to support overall women’s reproductive health throughout the childbearing years.*
You can find Raspberry Leaf in our Pregnancy® Tea and Raspberry Leaf tea.
6. Nettle: Considered the mother of all herbal tonics, nettle is one of nature’s best wild herbs. Full of minerals, herbalists love this plant for its nourishing qualities for skin health and nutritive support during pregnancy.*
You can find Nettle in our Pregnancy® Tea and Nettle Leaf tea.
7. Ginger: Ginger’s warm and soothing qualities make it one of the world’s most well-known medicinal plants. Celebrated not only for its spicy flavor that stimulates the palate and supports digestion, ginger can also offer a welcome relief for expectant mothers; easing normal morning sickness, and nausea associated with motion.*
You can find Ginger in our Ginger with Chamomile tea or Morning Ease™ Lemon Ginger Lozenges.
8. Chamomile: One of the most trusted plants in herbalism today, chamomile has been traditionally used to promote everything from calm and relaxation to healthy digestion. Its soft, buttery and calming qualities are soothing to the body and mind, which helps calm butterflies in the stomach, occasional gas and bloating and for relieving the discomfort of nausea associated with pregnancy.*
You can find Chamomile in our Ginger with Chamomile tea or Chamomile tea, Chamomile with Lavender tea.
If you are a mom-to-be or a nursing mother, our entire line of Mama products was made with you in mind. Easy to pack in your purse or pocket and enjoy at a moment’s notice. Whether you choose our teas, lozenges or tinctures, you can rest assured that these herbs have an incredibly rich history of use, tapping into a tradition that’s been passed down to moms for generations.